User is Getting "Authentication is Disabled" Message When Prompted for an Admin Password
A user in MacOS may get the message "Authentication is Disabled" when trying to authenticate an action in MacOS that requires admin privileges. This will happen when they attempt to use their own username to authenticate as an admin and they are set as an admin in Users and Groups. Run the commands below subsititung the user for <username> and "create" for <adminusername>:
Run Terminal under the users account and not the create account.
NOTE: All commands are case sensitive and must be run exactly as printed below.
#Check if your account has securetoken enabled, (it probably does)
# Disable it then reenable it.
sysadminctl -secureTokenStatus <username>
sysadminctl -secureTokenOff <username> -password - -adminUser <adminusername> -adminPassword -
sysadminctl -secureTokenOn <username> -password - -adminUser <adminusername> -adminPassword -
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